Western Illinois Vintage Trailer Rally

Geneseo Campground 22978 IL-82, Geneseo, IL, United States

1978 or older vintage travel trailers and RVs. Ask to join the Western Illinois Vintage Trailer Rally Facebook page for more information.

2021 Western Illinois Vintage Trailer Rally

Geneseo Campground 22978 IL-82, Geneseo, IL, United States

Western Illinois Vintage Trailer Rally, June 24-27, 2021, Geneseo Campground, Geneseo, Illinois. Please save the dates. Hosted by Kevin & Chris Isaacson. This rally is for vintage travel trailers and RV's 1978 & older, unique handmade trailers and teardrops. We will have potlucks, wiener roasts, campfires, open house, & hopefully some of our friends will… Continue reading 2021 Western Illinois Vintage Trailer Rally