Greenbelt Car and trailer Show cancelled

Alas, Greenbelt Park’s superintendent today decided to CANCEL the “Back in Time” Car Show scheduled for May 7, 2016.  Since we had firm commitments from only 9 participants with 4 more almost certain, and one cancellation already, it was prudently determined to cancel the event, as we had asked for a minimum of 30 cars in participation.  Thank you to those of you who offered to contribute, participate, and who afforded your own advice and experience.  We are rather disappointed that there was not more interest in a free venue to display and cruise classic cars, and promote and celebrate the park here at Greenbelt, and by extension, the national parks simultaneously in an event that had potential to resonate with the public.

In any case, thank you again for your time, and perhaps we may re-visit the idea for a car show in the future.
We certainly encourage you to visit the park individually with your car, as it offers a scenic and sedate drive through the Maryland woods, and ample parking where the park’s nature can be savored along with a picnic lunch: Greenbelt is free and open year-round, or you can camp for just $16 per night in our campground that dates to 1966 (the reason for the show).

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