Terry Bison Ranch Rally, Cheyenne WY. 2016

Superb Rally! Nichele, Jamie and Trudy with the Ranch checked with us often to see what they could do to help the rally at all stages. The open arm attitude made us feel the most welcome I have experienced. Had 18 trailers show up. Perfect weather. The “A” row had a constant view of the bison grazing across the way. Camels, llamas, horses, colts were also view-able if you toured the ranch. A tour train car trip took you close the bison herd. The surprise was a flock of vintage tractors tour our camp and said they will return next year to take part of the rally with us. Dinner of BBQ bison, cole slaw and baked beans was delivered by the Ranch for the Sat dinner. Afterwards was a chat session,later followed by a late evening of flaming ping pong balls launched from a fire pit.

Most of the folks came from the Denver area with one from Texas and one  from Ashville N.C.
All in all,for a start up this was a great time having time to meet everyone. The Ranch staff are eager to have us next year and will make things better now that they understand our set up and needs.
Plans for next year are same time, same place but maybe longer.
I want to thank all the help that made this one a joy to put on. Afterwards Miss M and I continued to Mt Rushmore, Crazy Horse, Deadwood Yellowstone.
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I have had inquiries from other groups to attend the next one, so far all are invited. If anyone has input,please contact me. Thanks Bigly for all who came, enjoyed meeting every one of ya.
Looking forward to next year, Watt (Orbie) Mungall
435-730-3840 –  IPhone
Retired (now a “crusty”) Doodlebugger 1978-2008
“There is not a problem that dynamite will not fix quick.”

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