2018 Terry Bison Rally Recap

Had a small but a big hearted group of trailer folks show along with the antique tractor gang. Friday afternoon proved that the Wyoming winds never sleep too long. Soon the canopies were packed and we “huddled” behind a shelter and made the best of it. Saturday the tractor gang showed up with donuts and presents. We added our “bring” and gifts and had a most enjoyable day of causal visit. Not many visitors, so we had a day of mostly “us time”. Saturday evening was a ranch diner followed by a short meeting and then more “us time”.

Want to thank Kathy and Glen Lefler from Custer S.D. with their 54 Flint Rocket, her Dad and Brian Casson and wife  for bringing the Shinny Spartan treat . Couldn’t  have done without Sara McReynolds from East Texas for her group talent, succulent plants, nick knacks and a 5 day old kitten.
Thanks to all for being great folks, Orbie
P.S.Don’t laugh at the head gear. It worked for my Momma.


A.Watt (Orbie) Mungall
435-730-3840; I Phone
Retired (now a “crusty”)Doodlebugger 1978-2008
“There is not a problem that dynamite will not fix quick.”​

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