Cherry Hill Rally Recap, Kasyville,UT

Major problems can’t stop us.T he management had just finished closing the main restroom and showers for the winter. Why they closed the restrooms for a booked event was never explained, nor why they couldn’t re-open them. The weather and show up was too good to let it get in the way. We had four new folks show up for their first rally experience. The visitor count was just right and I think we got about four folk to start restoration on their old family units. Evening was done by having Smokeabilly BBQ deliver a great pork, beef dishes for our dinner  After a short business update,  we were entertained by the music lady and crew. Want  to thank every one for all the help to make this be a fun one and not a work project. Special thanks to Jerry Cooper and his rat rod trailer for the  unique entertainment he brings a smile to all.


Next years rally will be at the “Journey” KOA ,Willard/Perry UTAH  Sept.20th-22nd 2019.
Call 435-723-5503 for information.James and Kristan Settlemire are our mangers.Go to You can book now. Rates are $35.00 per trailer per nite,no other discounts.More information later if and when.
Thanks Orbie

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