Dan Hershberger presenting at the Route 66 conference

Roadside historian and TCT Hall of Fame member Daniel Hershberger has been invited to participate in the upcoming SOAR Lifelong Learning Institute’s virtual conference on Route 66. The online program spans from February 4 through March 18, and involves twelve different lectures with topics ranging from history, art, literature, music, and film, to racial discrimination, indigenous peoples, and historic preservation. Dan’s presentation is entitled “Stopping for the Night: The Development of Roadside Lodging from Motor Camping to Motel Chains.” It features plenty of historical imagery along with original photography Hershberger recently shot on a week-long research tour across Missouri, staying in vintage Route 66 tourist courts or motels every night. 

Dan’s presentation, as well as the entire conference, may be of interest to TCT members. More information may be found at: https://www.soarexplore.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/SOAR-Winter-25-Class-Schedule-Digital.pdf

Boots Court, built 1939. Carthage, Missouri      photo: ©2024, Daniel Hershberger
Munger Moss Motel sign, c. 1955. Lebanon, Missouri      photo: ©2024, Daniel Hershberger
Wagon Wheel Motel, built 1936/1937. Cuba, Missouri     photos: ©2024, Daniel Hershberger
Wagon Wheel Motel, built 1936/1937. Cuba, Missouri     photos: ©2024, Daniel Hershberger

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