With the Tin Can Tourists Centennial Celebration approaching in 2019. Members of the club wanted an opportunity to do something special to recognize the club founders, president, royal can opener and first lady – Forrest and Jeri Bone.
Take a moment to think about all of their efforts and the fun they have given all of us:
- They resurrected a club that was considered dead and is now a thriving community (nearly 40,000 facebook members and 2000+ dues paying members)
- They organized and coordinated over 500 events in 21 years (53 Official TCT Events in 2017). They personally have been the rally hosts of over 100 events. Think about that for a second. Imagine being responsible for planning and organizing 100 events that are similar to a wedding in terms of participants, entertainment, meals, and logistics and now consider that these events are over 4 days, not just 1.
- They’ve given us all opportunity to meet and build friendships with others that have lasted over decades. These friendships continue well beyond the rallies!
- They’ve given opportunities for us to show off our trailers through open houses and awards. They arranged for the trailers to be included in many special events and concours.
- They’ve taken us on trips around the country by organizing many caravans and have worked with historical societies to connect the trailer community to it’s past.
- They’ve helped keep the historical information about the club, the impact on the country and the specific trailer brand information available for us to enjoy.
- They’ve married several couples at rallies and helped bring many couples together. They’ve sadly had to say goodbye to many members over the years and helped celebrate their lives and friendships.
- They’ve helped build many businesses around the vintage trailer hobby – TV Shows, restoration companies, magazines, other clubs, trailer parts, insurance, campgrounds, t-shirts, jewelry, etc.
What started out as a love for vintage trailers, has evolved into a love for the people that love vintage trailers. For all they done for us, we in turn want to show our appreciation for their efforts in promoting vintage camping and helping all of us in creating new friendships all around the United States and even internationally.
Hardy and Terry Evan’s will be collecting the funds and keeping this secret from the Bone’s.
Donations can be made at the following link:
https://www.paypal.me/TinCanTourists – Please enter “Appreciation gift” in the comments
You can also send a check payable to Terry Evans and mail to Terry Evans, 3020 Philips Ave, Mount Pleasant, WI 53403, note “Appreciation Gift” in the memo section.
How will we use the funds?
At one of the big rallies that Forrest organizes in 2019, we will surprise them with a gift depending on the amount collected. Every person that donated money will be recognized with the gift.
Idea’s for the gift:
- Vacation for 2 to Hawaii (without a trailer)
- A National Park tour with stays at lodges such as Glacier National east end, Yosemite Lodge at the Falls or Ahwahnee, Old Faithful Inn at Yellowstone, El Tovar Grand Canyon, Bryce Canyon Lodge etc.
- Lunch for year in 2020
- A restored Hudson coupe
- Retirement watches from Shinola (made in Detroit)
Update on collection and projects
Total money collected as of:
4/13/18: $1780
5/21/18: $2495
9/23/18: $3578
10/4/18: $4553
2/20/19: $5327
Gifts from:
Grant Davidson
Kate Eaton
mai billaud – I have a whole lot of admiration for everything Forrest and Jeri do and have done! Spartan Mai 1949 Spartan RM
Bea Brown
william miller
Vintage Trailer Supply, Inc.
Ned Donaldson”
Pete Whitley
Robert Smith
Peter Tigh – keep on truckin, like a tin can man
Pam Fales
Shane Cunningham
Davud Russell
John Peck
Terry Evans
Charles Grelecki
Roger Reger
Bugs Beddow
Robert Cameron – Congratulations from a most appreciative tct members. Bob and Caryl Cameron
REBECCA OURSO – Forrest and Jeri: Thank you for all you do for us Canners. It’s always such an enjoyable event no matter where it’s held. You make everyone feel welcome! I’ve met some forever friends and for that I say ‘thank you’. Looking forward to many, many more gatherings, campfires and dancing to some good music. Happy trails to you!
Silver Trailer
Vintage Campers
Jim Dunmyer
Larry Perry
Gary Kandel
George Martin
Christopher Murphy
Larry and Sylvia Bell
Scott Eliot
Robert Arlen
Kim Brown
Gail Kent
Sandy Nelson
Rob Green
Charles Hagman
Nancy Warren
Rick Myer
Kirk MacKeller
Carol Lee Cousins
Steven Brewer
Robert Loomis
Nancy Engel
Doug Hardekopf
Steve Cochran
Kelly Morrow
Sue Powell for Carl Shemwell
Phil Schaefer
Jack and Jacqui Coulter
Bob and Karen Elsey – Thank you both for all you have done for the club and the people. You made it possible for all to meet and get to know a great bunch of people! Blessings from, Bob and Karen Elsey
james & Pat Croninger
Bob and Mary Korr
jim jeffery
Sarah McReynolds
James F Stewart
Joan C Keating
Sanderson Sandy – Many thanks you two!
Phil Borgerding
Sheree Moore
Art Detrich – Thanks for the memories! Heidi and Art
Nostalgia Lane Antiques
Carl Fish
dal smilie
Mary Lynn Wilhere
Amy Smith
Lanny Webb
Mike Knight (Lightning Media)
JULIANN Anderson
Charles Hilton
Tom Bamborough
Paul Cushing
Robt Tremitiere
Ken Faber
Gene Brechtelsbauer
Tom Curto
Chris Fodell
Ken Hindley
Jackie Jernigan
Michelle Martin
Rick Myer
Michael OConner
Kirk Olmsted
Roo Ryan
Shannon Rozelle and Ron Baumgarten
Phil Noyes
Bob Kilpatrick
Nancy Findlay
James Powell
Tin Can Awnings
Jannar Davis
Forrest McClure
Christopher Murphy
James Kerch
maureen carnevale
gary keenan
richard cook
James R. MacMurray/Kathy Futey
Kim Barkman
Lynn Kennedy – Thanks for all your efforts! Best wishes, Phil and Lynn Kennedy
Terry Evans is now working on a 12 foot time line to display of the 100 years of TCT. Hundreds of friggin parts…
Doreen Bergman is making quilts from TCT T-Shirt designs
Dal Smilie’s – the best of wishes to Forrest, Jeri and family for making the vintage camping movement what it is today. Their service started with the Vintage Airstream Club then evolved into recreating the premier all-brand Club, the TCT. TCT serves the whole community, whether they are members or not. Where would we be without them