2012 Port Crescent Rally

  1. We’ve come up with an idea / theme for next year….  “The TCT Autocamp”  we will try to “recreate” a typical TCT Autocamp.   Part of that will be to have a classic car parked in front of each trailer.  There are several other aspects of a TCT Autocamp that will need a bit of research and planning.  This will be fun!
  2. Ideas for next year’s entertainment…. DJ ok?  Prefer the Swing Band? Other Ideas?  ED W. was checking on another idea.
  3. Let me know if what site you would like… Some have already so I have that noted….If you check out the map on line -(http://www.midnrreservations.com/ParkCampMapDisplay.aspx?CID=69) We have sites 1-31 including 23A  and 97-137 including 99A and 122A. If you were happy with your spot and would like that again – please let me know – even if you are not sure…I’ll just make a note “pending”….
  4. This is going to require a bit of help… I have created a list of Committees – oh we all hate that word… ok teams and it maybe a team of 1 and a few thoughts about tasks….   If you’d like to volunteer now or later that would be great!  I think a couple of them will need some lead time – like the History and maybe signage – but the others can all happen next May or June.
CommitteesSuggested TasksMembers
Welcome WagonRegistration, Name Tags Handout, Kitty Fees, First Timer Welcome, Mixer Activities
Coffee KlatchPrepare Morning Coffee, Site to Gather, First Timer Introductions
Thursday DinnerSet “Theme”, Coordinate Setup and Cleanup
Friday DinnerSet “Theme”, Coordinate Setup and Cleanup
Saturday DinnerIdeas? Set “Theme”, Coordinate Setup and Cleanup, Coordinate with Car Club
SignageDesign, Create, Place
MerchandiseStaff a “table”, Hand out Literature, New TCT Memberships
AwardsDesign, Create, Choose, Awards that are “Fun Spirited” and Light Hearted. Making sure the kids in the group get something.
ContestSet “Theme”. Wacky Hat, Tchotcke, Best Basket (picnic) etc.
TourGreet and Direct Public, Q&A, “Security”, Water/Refreshments/Hospitality
Name TagsDesign, Create, Assemble
EntertainmentIdeas, Coordinate with Park
PressDraft Press Release, Get Press Release – Published
50/50Selling Tickets
Car Club ContactLiasion between Park, Car Clubs and TCT
Photo CrewCoordinate Picture Taking, Download Picture Station, Edit and Get Photos to Terry, Make a CD?
Sunset TeamCoordinate with the Sun to Make Sure it Sets on time, A little Beach Party?, Lead a Sun Down Dance?
Music/ Camp RadioPlay List for Meals, Camp Radio, Tour
ResearchResearch AutoCamp and propose what activities needed to recreate such.
  • Wear your Port Crescent Badges at the Fall and Spring Rally – show your bling bling off!…
  • Last year I did a “survey”  Let me just invite feedback – good is always nice but all comments and suggestions are welcome.  Any ideas or comments that would make your visit more pleasant please share them….
  • See you soon!  Enjoy the summer….
  • Thank you….
John O'Connor Truitt, Ard Rí 

"Begin as creation,
   become a creator.
Never wait at a barrier.
   In this kitchen stocked with fresh food,
         why sit content with a cup of warm water?" Rumi

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