19th Annual Gathering Retrospective

A few weeks back we asked for feedback on the 19th Annual Gathering with was held at Camp Dearborn in Milford Michigan.

The amount of feedback was fantastic (115 Individual comments) and based on the information, we plan to make some changes in our Fall rally this year and Spring Gathering next year.

To view the information – Click here

Key items we will address:

  • Communicate the registration process – we will make sure it is fully detailed and explained on the website
  • Additional food vendors during open house to give people more variety
  • Caterer/Food – menu and choices. We will look to offer a “no meal/rally only option” next year. We can’t offer that in the fall since approximately 70 have already paid for the rally but we will offer that next Spring.
  • In the fall, we will have the singer back – Mark Reitenga – but have a campfire sing-a-long.
  • Upgrades to the sound system – we will improve the ability to adjust the volume and have already purchased a brand new mixing board which is simpler to operate and will allow fine tuning the sound.
  • For the First timers, we will offer a couple different opportunities for first time attendees to meet and learn or ask questions about the rally activities
  • We plan to offer a new category for the concours awards for trailers that were restored by the current owner. We are working on a name and would love some suggestions. You can comment on this page with names you’d like to share.

Thanks for all the feedback and we can’t implement every suggestion but we hope the changes above will improve the upcoming rallies.


  1. Meals will be provided but people can choose to not eat. You’ll be covered!

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