Hopeful for 2021 Rallies

We are starting to plan rallies for 2021 and so our vintage trailer friends. we already have 30 rallies posted in our events

Without a clear end to the pandemic, rally hosts are hoping for the best and putting their rallies on the calendar. They realize they will need to be flexible and not make rigid plans but wait as long as they can to set an agenda, that way they know what is possible given the current situation. But like our TCT song reminds us, “the more we get together, the happier we’ll be”. Right now, we can all use a trailer full of happiness and togetherness!

If you have an event that you are planning for 2021 – you can add it to our event listings and get the most possible attendees.

We love helping new events get off the ground. We will promote, provide guidance and advice, and even offer financial assistance and support. Just let us know you want to start an event and we will provide the help you need. Send an email to tct1919@gmail.com


  1. There are a handful on the calendar- just click on Rally on the main menu. You can then click on the Southeast region to filter.

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