New Member Interview with Cathy Poluski

I have always loved the little vintage campers.  I consider them “magical.”   I have always wanted one, but either they were too much money or way too much work.  I’ve owned books about the campers, joined Sisters on the Fly, dreamed of decorating and traveling, but no trailer..  🙁   The other issue is that I don’t want to buy a new vehicle to tow with, so I had to be mindful of the weight of a trailer.  But recently, I had the chance to purchase a 1962 Shasta Compact. 

I have seen vintage trailers restored to perfection, but that is just not for me.  My little darling has a few dings and nicks…she is not perfect…just like her owner!   While I have not attended any rallies yet, I sure want to in the future.  What I have done is take her to area car shows…and let me tell you…she is a hit!  I have her all decked out in her finest linens, with a vintage table and chairs outside and more linens and pillows.  Some of the ladies at the car shows are not interested in the cars and only accompany their husbands to keep them company, but they sure loved my trailer.  And yes, quite a few men did also.  I have a big jar of lollipops outside,  and the kids love climbing in her and looking around and then getting a lollipop. 

As far as joining the Tin Can Tourists…I want to be with my people!   

I tow my camper with a 2017 Rav 4.   

Me and my dog Sonny are going on out maiden camping trip in September where I live.  At the beginning of the month we are going to Lake Tahgkanic in NYS and at the end of the month we will be at North/South Lake in NYS. 

At 65 and single, I am THRILLED to be adventuring out, on my own, waiting for no one….it’s empowering.  


  1. Way to go Cathy. We’re all so proud of you. She’s adorable. May you have many happy travels with her. You must give her a name. All the best to you my friend.

  2. Go, Cathy!! You are a trailblazing pioneer!! So glad you’ve shared your story and are making so many people smile! xo

  3. What fun! You are probably living the dream many of us have had. Have a great time!!

  4. Looks great Cathy!! You’ll have a lot of fun, especially at a rally! If you haven’t, inspect and grease your wheel bearings. They may not show a problem except when pulling for any distance. I’m looking for a vintage camper for my 1915 Ford Model T. 1920 -30s era.

  5. I’m right with you on the cuteness!! Such a beauty and I’m so happy for you. We are currently restoring a ’55 Chevy to match my ’68 tourquise and white Scotty ~ looking forward to next year!

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