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Tin Can Tutoring: Vintage Trailer Tags, Titles, and Registrations
October 9, 2021 @ 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM EDT
Time for the event is 1:00 PM Eastern Time Zone
This is the latest in our 2021 series of virtual educational events for our Tin Can Tourists members and those in the vintage trailer hobby.
For this session: Tin Can Tourists’ Tim Heintz of Heintz Designs will provide helpful tips and laws pertaining to vintage trailer Tags, Titles, and Registrations. Tim will answer your questions about Serial Numbers, VINs, Bill of Sales, Non-title states, Registrations, Weight laws, State Definitions, and Title Jumping.

Tim will be zooming in live from an event he is hosting that same date is the Twin Lakes Rally in DeFuniak Springs Florida. At the end of the session we will see if Tim can give us a quick tour of his trailer or a walk by the nearby trailers.
To Join the Session:
Topic: TCT Tutoring Session
Time: Oct 9, 2021 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 897 5071 2330
Passcode: 531207
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Meeting ID: 897 5071 2330
Passcode: 531207
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Hello! Will a recording of this presentation be made available? We would like to hear this information but schedule conflicts prevent our attendance that afternoon. Thank you.
Yes – all of these sessions have been recorded and this one will too.