Old Car Festival, September 9 & 10

The Old Car Festival, the nation’s oldest continuously running car event, will be held this weekend at The Henry Ford/Greenfield Village in Dearborn, Michigan. The festival will feature vehicles from 1890 – 1932 but it is much more than just a car show. There will be special demonstrations and a number of family-fun activities throughout the village on both Saturday and SundaySaturday evening the festival is open until 9:00 pm concluding with a fireworks display and Dixieland-style parade.
Of particular interest to Tin Can Tourists, will be TCT Hall of Fame member Daniel Hershberger’s Auto Touring exhibit. In addition to his restored 1927 Auto Kamp Trailer, he will be displaying two additional 1920’s era canvas tents from his collection along with a full compliment of vintage camping gear. On both days at 12:00 Noon and 3:30 pm, he will give a special presentation at the campsite, discussing 1920s Auto Touring and highlighting some of the artifacts on display.
If you do make it to the event, be sure to stop by the exhibit, located next to the Scotch Settlement Schoolhouse, and say hello. For more information about the Old Car Festival, go to: https://www.thehenryford.org/current-events/calendar/old-car-festival/
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