VERSION 3 – Published July 2020
As states begin to open and restrictions are being lifted, the Tin Can Tourists guidance remains cautious and is recommending changes in the rally format for 2020. We are hopeful to be able to camp together soon but we might just have to take a few precautions.
Make sure you are aware of and follow your state and local health department guidance. You can find your state’s health department website here:
To protect our members, the TCT is taking the following measures:
- Cancelling all open houses at events until the situation improves to reduce the risk of spreading the virus
- Asking members to self-identify, if they have traveled to or are travelling from a high-impact area
- Cancelling rallies as recommended by local governments and health agencies
- Reinforcing health and good hygiene practices such as wearing a mask, maintaining social distancing and frequent hand washing
- Err on the side of caution when making all decisions
Our rally hosts are recommended to take the following precautions to ensure our collective health and well-being
Rally Host Precautions
- Recommend the wearing of appropriate face coverings at all areas where people may congregate
- Reduce the amount of activities that would require people to congregate
- Eliminate potlucks and catering food options until your state health departments determines that dining in restaurants is allowed.
- Rally hosts should consider providing tools that the CDC recommends: soap for washing hands frequently, face masks to wear in public spaces and tailoring their event activities to promote social distancing.
Personal Camper Precautions:
- Do not attend if you feel sick. 80% of cases are very mild but still infectious.
- Wear a face mask when outside of your camper and being in a public space with others
- If you must sneeze or cough, please use the crook of your elbow or your sleeve and not your hands. This is in case you are the source of exposure. This is to stop you from sneezing into your hands and touching things.
- The virus can be active 6’ from a sneezing/coughing person. Back away if you are near someone when they sneeze or cough.
- Please reduce bodily contact at the rally and where ever you go at this time- refrain from hugging old friends or shaking hands with new ones.
- If your trailer has a bathroom, use it. Public bathrooms have multiple sources of contamination: the toilet seat lid, toilet paper holder, faucet handles, and the doorknob. If you use the public bathroom, touch surfaces with a paper towel – not your hands. This is true anywhere you go at this time, even places like McDonalds or restrooms at Home Depot. Porta-Potties are the worst (can’t wash hands) so avoid if possible.
- Make your trailer a safe haven- and do not invite others in except to poke their heads in and look around. Disinfect your door frame and handle frequently. During this time you might also reduce visitors at your house…same principle.
Visit the CDC website for more information on the virus and how to protect yourself
CDC’s guidance for hosting gatherings and cookouts:
Well and thoughtfully written. The first clarification I’ve seen anywhere about why coughing or sneezing INTO ONE’S sleeve or crook of the elbow is important. (And it’s a good practice when suffering for an “ordinary” cold or any other illness.)
Thank you for you practical guidelines to keeping all members and the public safe. Mask on!