13th Annual Roslyn Vintage Trailer Rally Recap

Submitted by Dal Smilie

Roslyn Washington was where Northern Exposure was filmed.  It’s a small town with a lot of fun and quirky businesses.  It’s vintage trailer rally is on the grass, in a park about a block from the town center.  The downtown business organization worked with Jane from Relic Trailers to make this rally (June 24-26)happen.

This was a building year after a two year Covid induced hiatus.   Exploding gas prices didn’t help. Still about 50 trailers registered. The weather was perfect.  It seemed about the entire little town showed up for the open house, and many said how much they missed the event during the Covid closures.

Fun was had by all.


  1. I would like to hear more about some rallies in the pacific northwest.
    I have a 1967 Scottsman and would like to join some rallies.
    How do I get a schedule?

  2. Join the club and we send out a quarterly newsletter with rally listings!

  3. I have joined the club I believe.
    Or maybe I just signed up for the newsletter.

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