New Member Interview with Mike Hirsch

A few years ago we were modern-camping at Spring Mill State Park which is just outside Mitchell, Indiana, where I grew up and lived through high school.  While there, the camp VIP (Volunteers In Park-volunteers who help people in the campgrounds with camper or related issues) stopped by to admire my son-in-law’s homemade retro teardrop camper.  We started talking about experiences with campers and camping and I mentioned that I do Dutch oven cooking.  He asked if I would be willing to cook food and provide samples to those who come to the Vintage Camper Rally later that year at the park. 

So that is how I was invited to my first Vintage Camper Rally.  I had never heard of them before.  But we had a great time.  The people were extremely friendly and also immensely appreciative of the food we prepared.  We provided baked beans, cornbread, and cobblers.  We have now done this 3 or 4 years at this same rally which is in Mid-August ( each year.  Last year in addition to serving samples during the Saturday rally we also prepared biscuits, gravy and cinnamon rolls for the nearly 130 participants in the rally.  And all the food is scratch-made and cooked in camp Dutch ovens. 

We’ve enjoyed the camaraderie so much we wanted to be a bigger part of it.  So we recently purchased a 1968 Fleetwing Wren that had already been restored by the previous owner.  He also told us to be sure to join this organization.  So we did!  We have only had our camper a few weeks but look forward to many rallys in the future. 

The Wren only weighs 975 pounds and we’re currently pulling it with our Ford Explorer. 

We used to do Civil War Re-enacting when our kids were all growing up so we didn’t have campers until the last 15-20 years and we’ve owned a couple newer-model campers.  This year at the rally at Spring Mill we will again be providing samples of food during the rally as well as preparing breakfast.  I should mention that others help with the breakfast, cooking sausage, eggs and pancakes as well as coffee.  We also plan to do some Dutch Oven 101 classes during the rally as time permits.  

We would like to attend more rallies yet this year as well.  


  1. How do we find out about when and where these rallies are being held and also how our marina can get in the queue to host a rally?

  2. Hi Brad – we post the rallies on the website. Click on rally on the main menu. Our quarterly newsletter lists the upcoming rallies as well. Next newsletter will be the end of September.

  3. Hi Brad – we post the rallies on the website. Click on rally on the main menu. Our quarterly newsletter lists the upcoming rallies as well. Next newsletter will be the end of September.

  4. I’ve been fortunate enough to sample Mike Hirsch’s delicious Dutch oven breakfasts at a rally in Spring Mill State Park in Indiana. Welcome to the vintage camper family!

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